• Uh........ I wrote some songs for an album........ sorta was going for a Mastodon/Rush take on things..........

    Part one:
    See the tidal wave
    turns my boat off course
    and I'm met by the water of the
    I'm confused and enraged
    My life seems unmade
    By the fact I'm facing a
    The whirlpool drags me into it's eye
    The black hole I'll become
    Dead inside a
    I'm being consumed by the water
    So should Abandon ship
    Or stick with it?

    Part 2
    Whirlpools Wrath:
    Sucked down,
    Closer to Hell......

    Twisting around,
    Deeper I go......

    I'm guessing I won't see the light anymore......
    Just hope I land up all on the shore......
    Just want to go back to before!

    Dragged in,
    Darker it gets......

    Bathed in,
    Washed in fear......

    I've never expected this to happen,
    Never expected this disaster,
    Feel the waves of Hell crashing,
    Into the Depths I go......

    Trying to escape......
    Trying to not break......
    Looking down, my body shakes......
    Wondering what will become of me......

    Falling faster,
    Descend into black......

    Darkness consuming,
    Eaten by the Sea......

    Part 3:
    Water Poisoning:
    I'm losing it to the water..........
    I'm drowning in my guiltiness..........
    Aqua dementia drifts on me............
    Have I become insane?

    Ride with the waves
    Go with the ocean
    Peace eludes me
    As I've lost my sanity.

    Water Poisoning!
    I drift away!
    Water Poisoning!
    I cannot stay!
    Water Poisoning!
    I've lost my mind!
    Water Poisoning!
    I cannot find
    My saving grace!

    I feel the current swallowing me..............
    I feel the need to sink...............
    Is this my fantasy?
    Is this all a dream?!

    Water Poisoning!
    Bewildered by confusion!
    Water Poisoning!
    Gives me indecision!
    Water Poisoning!
    Vortex stealing my soul!
    Water Poisoning!
    I just want to be whole again.....
    I'm dead but still alive................

    Part 4:
    Leviathin's Maw
    Now I see
    What was dragging me down.

    Now I hear
    The evil beast's sound.

    Come to me,
    Let me drown you!

    Come with me
    Let me take you
    To Oceanus floor!

    I resist you,
    Can't fool me now.

    I resent you,
    I wash you away!

    Not so easy
    As it seems to be.

    Not so easy,
    You will die in my sea!

    False words!
    Try to chide me....

    False words!
    Don't deny me
    My Freedom!

    Part 5:
    Captain vs. the Sea Devil
    Time to make my grand finale.....
    Time to escape, elude the beast.....

    No, don't run away!
    Destroy, destroy,destroy!
    No, don't die today!
    Survive, survive, survive!

    Cannons blaring in the black.....
    Gunpowder wafts on the breeze.....

    Overcome the Demon!
    Kill, kill, kill!
    Overcome the Storm!
    Fire, fire, fire!

    I am the captain!
    I am me!
    I am the captain!
    You will see!

    Fury builds, I only see red.....
    Angers rise, time to fight.....
    For my sanity!

    Don't beg.....

    Die along with the storm!

    Part 6:
    Calm Waves:
    I feel the waves......
    I kiss the air......
    I lie on the deck.......
    My eyes to the sky......
    My boat floats......