• Is it possible to hate someone
    Someone you thought you knew so well
    Is it possible to hate someone
    Someone you thought was so strong?

    Just get away
    Leave me alone...

    Is it possible to hate someone
    To yern awayness from a person
    Just because the person has done wrong
    This I wonder

    Never return...

    Is it possible to hate someone
    Such pure intense hate
    That you wished the exsistance of the person
    Never reared its head?

    I wish you we're gone...

    Is it possible to hate someone so much
    Knowing there always going to be with you
    Gives you the chills
    Makes you wanna end it all?

    I'm so confused...

    This person isn't a lover
    Nor is this person you
    This person isn't family
    This person is me