• I'm here sitting on a chair,eating some pizza and listening to music,
    Someone out there is sitting in a box, eating nothing and shivering as the rain falls.

    I'm here sleeping peacefully in my bed having wonderland dreams and waking up to a good tomorrow,
    Someone out there is sleeping on the corner of the street having dreadfull nightmares and not knowing if they will even survive for a tomorrow.

    I'm here watching tv, while people are watching the poor hobo, and listening to him plea.

    I'm here complaining about dinner, how I wanted kraft dinner and got some brocoli,
    Someone out there is begging for some food, not caring what they get or how much.

    I'm here writing on my computer not knowing how to stop all poverty in the world,
    Someone out there is waiting for me, waiting for me to help make a change.