• It was a night during winter
    At a village full of trees and thorns with splinters
    People at this village would still tell this very tale
    About the six feet creature in the haunted house
    No one dares to step in
    Neither man nor mouse
    You are lucky for you will hear what had begun this very tale

    It was on a cold winter night where no sound would be heard
    And the folks at the village were sleeping like napping birds
    A Stout old man soon walked thru to go to the haunted house
    He was now the new owner of this house near the moon

    This very house was rumored to give bad omen to whoever lives in it
    But this stout old man murmured,
    "All of those rumors are just to give you tremors"
    He didn't heed to listen to any of the spouting or shouting of warning about the house

    For no one had ever stepped in the house
    Not even for a second or a step from a mouse
    The old man was sure that no one or thing was inside the house
    Soon at the haunted house
    At the struck of midnight on the twelfth day of the old man's arrival
    The man heard a noise when he was about to turn off the lamp
    Like faint footsteps coming toward his room
    Thump thump thump thump

    The noise was getting louder as it came closer to the wall.... bumping
    Thump thump thump thump
    Soon the noise stopped
    It was quiet too quiet
    The man thought he was just having hallucination on the riot
    But soon he heard something or something breathing
    Huff huff huff huff

    The man went out of his bed to check what was out there
    He slowly opened the door barely
    To see a huge shadow figure near his door
    Glaring right down to him was beading red eyes
    The creature must be at least tall as six feet
    The old man felt afraid seeing the hideous beast
    And was getting sick

    As the creature breathe out his moldy breath
    The old man just stood there like being super glued to the plank
    He soon calmed himself down and saw an opening near the door
    The old man soon dashed toward the opening like a boar

    The vicious beast had noticed that the man tried to escape
    And soon sprang on the man
    A loud thunder soon had struck down nearby the house
    And no one had met or knew what had happen to the proud old man

    Now everyone in this particular village
    Would tell about the house to their children at the beach on the sand
    "Beware of the haunted house near the moon
    For no one would go near the house
    Even the bravest man doesn't go near the house
    Nor would the bravest mouse

    Because of a creature that lurks in the dark
    And attacks you like chipping a bark
    This six feet creature
    Who can make you in fear and brave barely
    Beware of this haunted house
    For you shall not go near this house if you dare

    But no one in the village had ever known the truth
    Of what had happen to the stout old man
    Who had lived in the haunted house
    Where you would shiver in fear
    Whether man or mouse