• There it goes,
    a feather of white
    that fell from a dove
    as she flew away.

    The feather drifts
    across many green leaves of branches
    of many tall dancing trees
    and lands on a rough structure,
    a boulder if you may.

    A robin watches
    a sly tabby cat
    as she lunged elegantly
    at the waiting soft feather of white.

    The wind picked up,
    carrying the snow-white feather
    away from the frisky tabby
    and over a cliff.

    Upon the cliff
    a might waterfall rushes down,
    slowly drifts the travelling dove's feather
    down the rushing water plunging down
    into a gentle clear lake
    where deer may drink.

    The feather of white
    finally touches fown
    onto gentle moving clear water
    where bluegill are seen freely swimming.

    At a distance
    a deer lifts her head
    upon listening to a rush of might water rushing down
    where the feather of white touched down.