• I consume you, never let you go
    Let me guide you through this door
    Come to me and never let go
    Stay in my hell with me
    And never let me see you breathe!
    You are my doll now
    Never think any different
    You are mine and never let me see you change it
    Let me guide you to this hell
    We can call it home, we might as well
    But if you have someone to save you
    just remember, This hell will never leave you
    You are part of it
    And it is part of you
    Never let me catch you running away
    Never let me see you flying with wings
    Your only purpose is to burn in my flames
    I have consumed you, took your life
    You shall never escape my grasp
    And don't even try to quit me now
    It's to late your addicted to me
    Now let me see you beg on your knees
    Another drag, let me see!
    You cannot even take one step without me
    Let me guide you towards the light
    And let me sit in your hands on your last night
    Never put me down and never give me up
    I'm all yours baby, now smoke me up
    I will turn your insides black
    Give cancer and spread some plaque
    Let me see you buy a pack
    You need me now, so don't give in
    To the pleading cries within
    Your life is mine, and mine is yours
    I lead you into my trap doors
    You belong in this hell
    Puff away baby, smoke me up
    Now let me see you beg for more
    Don't let the smoke escape your bodies door
    Not until you buy some more
    Now never let me see you open my door
    Trying to escape the hell that you brought on yourself
    If you didn't listen to them
    The cool kids of 7th grade
    You would live a better life
    So if you read this poem right now
    Just remember smokes will put you to hell
    So don't try them, or anything else.
    Live your life free
    And get a good job