• I was captured,
    by the Greeks.
    Now taken away,
    far away,
    from the land of Troy
    To Greece.
    To the home of Agamemnon.
    He entered.
    They spoke.
    All rejoiced.
    His wife
    beckoned I come near.
    I did.
    An ax
    So shiny,
    So sharp,
    Pierces the skin of Agamemnon.
    His shrieks of terror are heard,
    even from outside.
    The ax,
    So red-covered,
    So sharp,
    Pierces the skin of I,
    My shrieks are heard throughout.
    The ax,
    Even redder,
    still sharp,
    hits us both again
    swung by Clytemnestra.
    We fall,
    Agamemnon and I,
    I dead,
    him seeing me
    in a pool of our blood...
    His turn comes
    for death to strike.
    He dies.
    We're dead,
    and the people are shocked
    when Clytemnestra comes out,
    the ax,
    completely red,
    dripping red,
    in her hands.
    For her daughter,
    she says
    is the cause
    of her killing,
    and as for I,
    for maybe being taken
    as the New Queen.
    The ax speaks,
    tells the story,
    of our death,
    for it drips with our blood,
    the red everywhere,
    the death drips.