• I know in order to love someone else,ive got to love myself first.
    Letz put first thingz first,what i feel for you.
    I look in your eyez and all i see is our future.
    I have to look down because the feeling becomez so strong.
    But somedayz i question if you feel the same way.
    I cant keep this up...I need a sign...I need to know if your worth my time.
    I know ill love you forever,till death do us part.
    The twinkle in your eyez is like the beat to my heart.
    Our passion is so strong that i fall to my kneez.
    I look you in your eyez and promise to do whatever to please. The touch of your handz send a shiver up my spine. I tremble and bite my lip...Resist the temptation...Itz impossible. I seem to tackle you and you give me that smile. I now know youre worthwhile...Youre forever. You wont leave me stranded,youll show me the way. You hold me in your armz and heart each and every day. People call me crazy when i say i love you. But i know you love me too so i really dont care. I guess theyd just have to be there. Youre everything ive ever wanted...needed. You were worth the wait. I never questioned how i truly feel for you. Ive alwayz known it was true,I really do actually love you. Youre the shoulder i cry on,the chest i lean on. The man i rely on. The one ill marry....I know ill love you forever,till death do us part. The honest we share,feelingz we feel,thingz we do. (wink,wink)
    We do in eachother. I wouldnt be who i am if it werent for you babe. God wantz us together,we want to be together. Why not make it forever? It is.
    I know ill love you forever,Till Death Do Us Part. heart heart