• Evil is what i see
    Tears pool from a lonely girls eye
    unseen she cry's in a cold corner
    dead eyes raise to a blackened sky; goodbye
    soundlessly floating away in a core of horrific sadness

    No one stops, no one stares
    about a daily business of evil in earth
    a daily prophet of schedules and a jumbled mess
    Cruelty. One taunted, and retaliation given twice back

    Child standing towards a middle room, laughs jeered out
    No remorse but cold dead hearts
    Violently ripping every ounce of happiness from another!
    Alone, in a room full of people!

    RISE UP!!
    Evil is what I see!
    Evil is what I'm denying
    RISE UP!
    fight yourself, fight for yourself, take it in! Stop!

    Fat. Ugly. Stupid. Lesbian. Rag Head. Slut. Wet Back. f*****t.
    Take this in, hear this heed!
    in one ear out the other once more
    Violence marking a hardened world

    Disgrace and hate making it worse
    Life is hard enough
    Its a game we play, its a race we have to endure

    RISE UP!!
    Evil is what I see!
    Evil is what I'm denying
    RISE UP!
    fight yourself, fight for yourself, take it in!