• "I Love You."

    I've only known you for like, a day,
    I know it's crazy, random, and gay,
    Saying 'I Love You'  at this time,
    But I can't hold it in and I wan't you mine,

    I worry about you all the time,
    When your out and about, Not online,
    I don't know why i like you so much,
    Your hair? Your style? or maybe your touch?

    You listen to Screamo, Metal and Rock,
    Your a guy I will never mock,
    You may be depressed, emo and sad,
    But that's not saying your mean, or bad..

    Matter of fact, your really sweet,
    You make my heart, skip a beat,
    Your nice, gorgeous.. not to mention funny...
    I would never use you, not even for money,

    So what if your emo, I don't care,
    I wrote this poem for us to share!
    All I can say at this point in time...
    Is... I Love You....would you please be mine?