• My heart lay still and silent,
    In this cold and desolate place,
    Frozen in a frail, tedious state,
    Emotions and adrenaline running rapid

    Some may ask why I stay here, untouched,
    The answer is ever so simple,

    But simple,

    Im waiting for the true being,
    The one that holds the key to this glass box,
    The glass box that holds my crimson flood

    One whos brave enough to see past the darkness,
    To see past the pain and sorrow
    To patch the cuts and bruises that have been made
    To see the light thats consealed

    The true tresure that lays beneath

    I long for the day that my fair knight shall come,
    I believe that day has dawned,
    For I have found the one I love,
    and finally recovered from loss,

    No, does he not toy with my heart,
    He locks it away and treats it as if it were gold,
    Gaurded by an army, all listening to his comands,

    A glass object he holds dear,
    Tresures and adores everyday,

    He treats it as it were fragile,
    For what he doesn't know,
    Its hard as rock,
    Only a specific bunch can get through its defences,
    Looks as if he's past the test...
