• Bella’s Nightmare

    My throat is burning,
    My vision blurring,
    As I lay defeated on the floor,
    Staring back at the door,
    Waiting for something to disrupt the silence,
    As the air I breathe in becomes more dense,
    My tongue tripping over your name,
    As I realize I can’t put on you the blame,
    I beckon at the dark pulling at my conscience,
    Thinking thoughts I shouldn’t even sense,
    I shouldn’t know what they feel like to have,
    As they divide my mind in halves:
    Giving into the lingering darkness,
    How without, you my life is meaningless,
    How I could I have stopped this,
    And the lingering taste of your frozen kiss.
    I’m done with pretending I’m okay,
    I’m done pretending it’s better this way,
    And I’m sure your intentions weren’t this,
    Sending me into a translucent, swirling abyss,
    I want to run away to find you,
    And ask you why you do what you do,
    My heart falters as I think of your face,
    And suddenly I’m thrown back to my inconsequential place.