• The kernels pop away
    Laughter fills every corner
    Walking in I am filled with warmth
    Enveloped in love

    Hugs come at me
    Every direction there stands a smiling face
    Eyes glisten with happiness
    Glee runs through every nerve in the room

    Little kids run around anticipating the waiting gifts
    Excited to see every toy every sweater.
    They run happily around the living room
    I watch so sweet memories flooding me

    I smile at my thoughts
    I was once a five year old.
    I was once the one that ran around getting scolded
    but now the past is no more the future is now the present

    memories are just that memories
    Now I am the one scolding
    I am the one laughing at their cute little actions
    I am the one watching them open their presents happily

    I love it
    Every second of it
    I love their smiles
    They're cute little faces full of mischief

    As much as I love the memories the present is much better
    and as much as I love the present the future awaits
    One day I watch not as a teenager
    but as a parent

    Then I will love it even more
    The joy and excitement
    Because Christmas is and for ever will be
    full of love and memories

    Christmas will forever be celebrated
    The traditions will always be welcome
    No matter how far technology gets
    because Christmas is eternal.

    AHHHHH isn't Christmas beautiful