• you are my prince charming
    you are my knight in shinning armor
    you are my romeo
    you are my love
    you mean everything to me
    my world spins and revols around you
    my stomach flutters with beautiful butterfly's of happyness.
    you were always there for me.
    but one day
    with family hatred
    are love was seperated
    i was torn apart from you
    so i desided that i will die over my romeo
    i will protect my love over you
    i would take that kiss from my prince charming before i die
    and give hi my love forever
    that day
    that horrible day
    when my world stoped spining
    our parents stomped on all the beautful butterflys
    so i did it
    i pulled the trigger
    and i slit my wrist
    only leaving three things left behind
    my love for my prince charming my romeo my knight
    a puddle of blood
    and a note
    for my love
    i will always love you my sweetheart
    i will always be there for you
    fovever and ever
    even when it seems like im not i will be there for you.
    ill meet you again in after life
    but till then hold on
    we'll be again together soon
    with no rules
    no worries