• Beasts in the dark,
    Macabre collections of scarred haunting faces,
    Seek to tell you your end is near,
    Seek to grab, to claw,
    To rip, to maim,
    To haunt the night with strings of blood-curdling
    Heart-stopping screams,
    Savagely roars
    And merciless cackles.

    They blot out the light
    All hope is lost to the daunting tasks of the final prayer
    For the prey is being bared down upon,
    To be reduced to naught but slivers of meat on the bone.
    For see,
    They crawl, they hound
    They creep, they lurk
    Around the very bend of our imaginations,
    Waiting for us to think they're not there.

    So the beastly strike
    They deliver along that little dead of night,
    Becomes the part of this night's story
    Where you nearly die of fright,
    And as your blood begins to flow along the pavement
    You all swear,
    To be the next beast to haunt, a statement
    That is your demon's only care.