• I've given up
    you're just too much work
    nothing pleases you!!
    I can't even smile when you're around

    you make me feel like crap
    you always put me down
    I'm never good enough for you!!
    I fear your anger

    will I ever be free of the frustration?
    how can you live with yourself
    hurting people this way
    is this how you treat everyone??

    nothing I do is right
    all I am is dead weight to you
    just because I prioritize differently
    and put the future before the present

    I can't take it!!
    you would sacrifice everything
    for your stupid cleanliness
    does it always have to be perfect?

    Today you tried to beat me
    just for a jacket on the floor
    Im scared now
    of wat you will do to your children someday

    I want to run away
    but my consience keeps me here
    and besides
    only 3 years and you move out!!