• My words~
    ~~~There was a time when honor was all, before the gun, before the industrial revolution, before the mediocrity of mass production. A time of courtly love, of valorous tournaments fought for lady's honor, a time when people were respected for the nobility of their characters and skills of their hands, voice and minds. If I have met you and shook your hand in friendship or for a commitment in trust then you know that my word is my honor. Never to be broken or untrusted.~~~
    ~Spoken from the heart~ Now may i shake your hand?

    ~Jon-kun_333's very nice words~
    -shakes your hand-
    those who dwell in the faults of others born from high respects show war as the first motive but moving a mountain by force is impossible finding a way around it takes half the effort and twice the skill i shake your hand as a way to stop pushing the mountain and finding an easier way to go around this mountain of life you have my word ^-^