• Wanna share the pain?

    I'll give you mine, and you'll give me yours

    Though mine might crush you

    Pull you down into a black hole that will pull and pull until it tears you apart

    I live with this

    I sleep with it at night

    It dines with me every meal of the day

    You have to be strong enough to just hold it in

    And you'll be happy

    Only for awhile

    Just awhile

    Until that moment

    When something pulls at your heart strings

    You being to cry

    You cry harder and harder

    Your heart starts to bleed and bleed

    Your head starts to hurt and you scream and scream until your voice is nothing but wisps

    The ache will whip your back over and over until you cry bloody tears

    The darkness sets in and there you go..

    ..slowly fading away..