• It is night.
    The Sky is dark.
    The clouds cover the sky.
    Outside the rain pours, thunder roars, the wind makes the tree scrape against my window.
    Shadows swirl around me; haunting my mind; grabbing at my soul.
    Whispers in the dark; an unknown voice.
    It all goes silent..........
    A shadow reaches out and grabs me; pulls me under the bed.
    I scream and fight for my life, kicking and thrashing.
    It attacks me, sending a burning pain throughout my body.
    It finds my memories; squeezing out every drop of happiness.
    It calls me names; shredding me of my dignity.
    It turns me into something i never wanted to be....................... a creature.
    A creature of darkness..........
    My body is changed but my mind is awake; searching for a light.
    The shadow laughes menacingly, sending a chill through my body.
    I begin to shake in fear.
    In one last attempt, I reach out into the darkness and put my hand around a knife.
    I pull it towards me and cut my arms.
    The shadow begins to disperse, still laughing.
    It released its grasp, changing me back to my former self.
    I open my eyes, laying there in the dark, listening to the sound of my own breathing.
    The blood drips down my arm as tears fall down my cheeks.
    I crawl out from under my bed, knowing iIwas too weak.
    I clean the knife and set it back where I had found it................
    So I can be ready for tommorrow night.............
    Ready again to fight the darkness.