• People always stare as if they are trying to see the true her.
    They watch her day after day,
    But for some reason they always stay away.
    They try to figure her out, they try to see why she is the way she is.
    All she can come up with is that she was born like this.

    People always stare at her as if they are trying to see the true her.
    They can’t see behind the clothes she wears,
    They can’t see beyond her tears.
    They try to figure out why she cries all the time,
    They know something is wrong, she can see it in their eyes,
    But she just gives a little smile and says she’s fine.

    People always stare at her like they know her.
    They think that they know the truth,
    But they have no proof.
    They make up rumors about her that are all lies,
    They really don’t care about her, and yet they wonder why she cries.
    Her friend’s know that she’s not the b***h, slut, ho, ect. That people make her out to be.
    The only thing she wants is for people to see,
    The real her, the real me.