• ~Stop~

    I was falling
    But you never saw
    How your words
    made me hurt

    Can you hear me cry?
    Do wish i would just die?
    Get out of my dreams
    Stop trying to save me!

    You can't
    No one can

    I try to fly like a bird
    But i land in dirt

    I was falling
    But you never saw
    Hope you enjoy
    All the joy

    You took from me
    Stop trying to save me!

    Get out of my dreams
    Set me free!

    I was falling
    But you never saw
    You kept trying
    to keep me crying

    Now i'm on the floor
    Trying to go to the door
    I need to breathe air
    I need you to NOT care

    Please leave me!
    Get out my dreams
    Make me stop missing
    Stop trying to save me!


    You say i'm cute
    I reply so are you
    When you smile
    My heart goes wild
    Can you not tell
    That i yelled?
    I cry
    I pine
    I want to die
    I'll do anything to make you mine
    Maybe this is just a dream
    Too bad i'm still not free
    Thoughts swirling
    Memories whirling
    All in my head
    As i lay down in bed
    About the mistake
    That made me hate
    All the lies
    In your eyes
    It was a mistake
    To be out so late
    But i was walking
    While you were talking
    But not to me
    You made me see
    All the kisses you gave her
    I screamed
    one thing

    ~Daddy's girl~

    I'm daddy's girl
    his whole world
    he likes to smile
    When i'm wild
    He hugs me
    When i skin my knee
    I twirl
    I whirl
    I fall down
    On the concret ground
    i start to bawl
    and daddy races down the hall
    He rushed outside
    And drys my eyes
    he says its going to be ok
    In a day
    He gives me a hug
    Let's go get some cake ladybug
    I'm happy to be daddy's world
    His little girl


    Give me your hand
    If you can
    Find your voice
    its your choice
    I'll help you
    Like i always do
    Promise me
    On thing
    That when i fall
    and start to bawl
    You'll be there
    It'd be only fair...