• So many point their fingers and Bush
    The democrats use him as an escape goat
    But eight years ago I didn’t see them with two fingers up where they belong
    Or reading the peace speeches the speech writer wrote
    Over 50 years with a democratic congress yet they seem to think a single republican can do all this
    Well I never saw them veto the patriot act
    They just said “Mr. President you can take this planet and bomb all you want, I frankly don’t care as long as I get pay. Yes we democrats love money the sound of bombing sound cuz we always gain wealth or power”

    I never saw the democrats try to veto Free trade agreements
    Or fight to get the bombers out of Iraq until after that was the thing to say if you wanted votes
    So now I say yes turn and rise with me
    This current regime is so sick s**t so lets leave it buried like Roman Pompea and the world can start rebuilding
    I want peace and revolution and I won’t stop tell I’m satisfied
    And I won’t be satisfied with some rich politicians lead my nation
    This system in the prison system, the pentagon the gates of hell, FBI the guards, Cointelpro the veteran guards, CIA the in prison schools
    Our goal is a free planet
    Thiers is a free market
    We are the many
    They are just the few
    We must kill all republicans and democrats alike
    On the day of our liberation all politicians will be hanging
    And we’ll toast the rich, with our pick of cocktail and serving style