• Mouth full of razorblades
    stomach full of sleeping aids
    sick of looking forward to yesterday
    and nobody seems to hear me screaming May Day!
    which is kinda pathetic
    with how hard Im screaming
    I should be stealing attention from the diabetic
    laying here with more sleeping issues then a narcoleptic
    this s**t is on the borderline of epic
    and where were you?
    I may never know but god damn did you miss it
    now Im sitting here with my ego inside of my intenstines
    trying desperatly to not be another has been
    unless its the statement of how I've been
    trying stay awake through another simple disaster
    but you couldn't tell with my facial expression
    never changes like its hardened plaster
    but today is another breakthough session
    a group therapy with another heartfelt confession
    no matter how welcome they make you
    it never gets rid of the tension
    and im trying to break loose
    trying not to use anymore of my skin to abuse
    sitting here silently with my self loathing dripping
    thinking what else do I possibly have to lose
    Emotions suffering the blast
    from every memory of the past
    until at last
    my heart and mind are so broken
    im first in line to be fitted for a cast
    tired of playing the same role
    just with a differant cast
    why cant I i just sit aone at the cafe
    listening to these people
    with their poetical recollections of yesterday
    and I just love how they manage to keep that s**t simple