• If you are brooding over reality
    A conscious discontent
    Of every thought you've ever brought
    To the surface of yourself

    Take time to simply measure that you've been enough of nothing knowing what you came from's simply going and your body's decomposing all creation's just the start to when it all is ripped apart and put a sad song 'cross your heart and hope to die and keep it all.

    Because a singular sparking blasts a cloth-en tear through space
    Everything is surfaced to be put in proper place
    That I could be never ever and certain
    That words is our obstructions our very deconstructions
    And space, is simply what it is

    Fill it all with individualism now that it has been defined
    taking simple steps to stride ahead through all of what is time
    Long after we are dead
    With children's children in their bed,
    We'll all be pulled together when the end is what is read

    The same way a book is closed, only to be open

    Once refilled now to be dug

    In the singularity before explosion

    Life is forced to Hug.