Blood rains.
    Feel the sunshine.
    Happy Times.
    Pain filled sublime.
    -Happy Happy Sunshine Time-
    Blissful Manifest the pain is seeping over.
    I guess I found a four leaf clover.
    -Happy Happy Sunshine Time-
    Blissful Manifest the heart beating in my chest.
    feel the pain rip you in half,
    sunshine on an empty wound.
    -happy happy sunshine time-

    Zoo Time Fun!

    Animals coming from their cages
    Free for now to eat our faces.
    -I'm having fun at the zoo!-
    Torturted masses butchered cries
    watching monkeys gauge out eyes
    -I'm having fun at the zoo!-
    Tigers having lunch with the ladies
    I think the tigers might have rabies
    -I'm having fun at the zoo!-
    Butchered masses screaming dying
    Look out now the lions are flying!
    -I'm having fun at the zoo!-

    Funny Bunny

    Death awaits
    Push me away
    Send to you
    Come with me
    I linger here
    Crucify me