• As the soft Summer heat presses against my face,
    I look back on my life through a haze.
    Remembering parks and old childhood friends
    And childish games that came to an end.

    Though teenage years are rough,
    I never could get enough
    You always taught me to defend what's right,
    But hanging with the wrong friends,
    I didn't always do what was right.

    But while on the road I got off track,
    And found it hard to get back.
    I thought that you alone weren't enough
    So I looked to others for their love.

    I left you behind too soon,
    And then in a blink there was no more you.
    And even though you're gone.
    You'll always be my number one.

    My eyes were blinded by a void inside
    I could not live that you had died.
    Alas finding it to be true,
    I could do nothing without you.

    Please, Dad, today just hear my call,
    I'm sorry that I dropped the ball.
    My life is wrecked, my knees are skinned,
    My emotions undisciplined.

    I can't get up although I've tried,
    Please don't be upset if I cry.
    Though I can't fight what I can't see,
    Please, Dad, say you're still proud of me