• The season of love...
    When the air feels right
    The atmosphere changes
    But why am I standing here?

    My eyes wander around
    Searching and searching
    But I find nobody
    My search then ends and fails

    I reach out and grab...
    That's that I've got...

    The season of love
    is the season of torture
    For I've got no one to hold...
    No one to love

    I let my mind wander
    Into deep despair
    Before I know it, I've fainted
    My mind echos...

    I've blackened out
    My unconcsciouness pulls me into reality
    Love isn't everything
    Life still goes on

    I tell myself:
    When there isn't love,
    What is there?
    Then I realize
    There is friendship, family, laughter, and so much more

    All of them count as love
    I've been surrounded
    By all of them all this time
    Though, I didn't know,
    The knowledge I have now

    The season of love
    The season of friendship
    The season of family
    Where nobody, not even me, is left behind

    Tell me what you think-desu?