• You sit there day after day,
    Just staring at me, but when will you talk?
    When will you come and ask me for a dance?
    When will you come and ask me for a true romance?
    Life's too short to live in fear
    To know that life is only lived in fear.
    So ask me for a dance
    Ask me for a true romance
    And you will find what you've been looking for all along.
    What is life but romance and heartbreak?
    If my love were to feel no more pain,
    He'll realize that what he has isn't good, but great.
    And he'll see he's found the one that will take his pain away.
    If only he opened his eyes,
    And saw the one he loves, is the one he knows
    If life was not lived in fear,
    then you wouldn't know that I'll always be here.
    So to my love I say this
    I loved you once and that's all it takes
    To know that you have my heart
    The love I have for you won't fade
    But grow stronger with every breath I take.