• i lose my way
    and you show me a direction you found
    and maybe i should say
    what i think i may be feeling now
    you said you think you love me
    i never said i liked you that much
    but im starting to see
    maybe all this im feeling is love

    and i dont have the strength to let you go
    and i think you should know!

    i need to tell you!
    i really really like you
    but im not so sure we can make it
    if we're anything more than what we are
    but for some reason i cant say it
    i know the words to say
    but no matter how hard i try
    no matter how many chances i get
    the words leaver my mind.....

    maybe i cant say it
    because deep inside i know its not true
    maybe all it is
    that i need to say to you
    is something that i feel
    that i keep denying i felt
    but maybe its real
    but even if it is, i cant tell

    but i dont think i should let you know
    i dont have the strength to watch you go!


    just like you wont leave my mind..........!


    if i love your face.....
    if i love your eyes.....

    if i love your face!
    if i love your eyes!
    it doesnt really matter!
    'cause that also wont leave my mind.....!


    if i love your face.....
    if i love your eyes.....

    if i love your face!
    if i love your eyes!
    i'll try my best to let you know!
    since you just dont seem to leave my mind.........!