• What's wrong with me?
    I know I'm not perfect,
    That I can see.
    But will you give me a chance?

    Will you stop putting me down?
    How about making me upset?
    Around you, I wear a frown.
    I try to be happy.

    You don't understand,
    I'm trying to be happy for others,
    To be their helping hand.
    So you think that I haven't been through anything?

    If you could see way down deep,
    There'd be some sadness,
    thatkeeps me up when I'm trying to sleep.
    But you still think less of me.

    Is it going to be like this forever?
    Will you always hate me for trying?
    I'm trying to be clever.
    It's not working.

    Stop trying to make me feel bad.
    It's not going to work.
    I've been through hell, this makes me mad.
    Stop doing this to me.

    I'm trying to be your friend,
    But it's hard.
    We're going to drift apart in the end.
    It's inevitable.

    So just go,
    Shut that door behind you.
    You're going to slow
    I want you out.

    Finally I'm at okay.
    I'm done with your games.
    From now on I'm not going to play.
    Good Ridence.