• I looked at the moon

    It reminded me of his skin, pure but pale like ivory

    The tress reminded me of his smell, the smeel of fresh pine trees

    Things of supernatural form reminded me of his essence

    as i cried, i Looked at my rose upon my vanity

    my last tear fell

    a ominous wind came through, and a petal fell gently on my vanity.

    as the last drop of blood dripped from my wrist

    my heart was shattered like glass

    and my body collasped from the agonizing screams of my broken heart.

    " I LOVE YOU!!!, I LOVE YOU!!!, I LOVE YOU..."

    I lay there on the floor I silenty wish to feel his lips aginst mines on more time....

    "I LOVE YOU!!!, I LOVE YOU!!, I LO...

    the only place that felt realistic was my dreams

    so I made myself dream the everlasting dream of death.

    I wont wake up....

    I dont want to....


    JULY 8TH 09