• I am quiet as I walk
    Wondering really
    Fingering the locket and smiling

    My every breath was for you
    My heart was for you


    I could not take the pains buried beneath us
    I could not stand the tales you told-Why you told them
    I will never know

    I am crying as I walk
    Taking my locket off

    It plays softly
    A sad song of the hearts who once loved
    But cannot love anymore

    I set the locket by the stream
    And dance in the last lights of dusk
    Watching the stars as they murmur
    Confused by this strange human
    Far below their black havens

    I smile, tasting my briny tears as my lips part

    “Stars, listen to the music. It tells my tale.”
    I say, looking up to them as I dance.
    “I will not speak a word, but I want you to thank whomever you love,
    For being with you this day.”

    The stars hear my song and gasp
    “No-do not-you mustn’t” they cry,
    For once noticing this pitiful human far below them

    I laugh and hum, content with my fate
    I smile and lay in the water, feeling it rush over me.
    “Watch over us, dear stars. For my melody has ended, but another will begin.”

    Hopefully it is a happier one then mine.