• life sucks
    things aren't getting better
    only doubly worse
    people fight,
    break hearts,
    fall apart,
    feel like the pressure of the entire world will all of a sudden be put on their shoulders and slowly crush them into the ground until they are nothing more than what they feel like....a puddle of dust and bacteria that will infect everyone around them with the disease that they carry which does not kill, but makes a person beg for death because everything feels broken...their heart,their lungs, the strength in their muscles gone, the smile completely wiped off their face for the rest of eternity because who would have any reason to love someone who is so completely and noticeably broken from the inside out from their hearts to their expressions? who wants to love a monster that cannot love them back no matter what may come from the future?
    a lifeless beast left to roam the earth isolated and alone because many people or maybe just one passed them along the winding road of life where you cant see what may be coming around the next bend and ripped their heart right out of their chest, their lungs from their ribs, their souls from existence, and their love from their eyes...
    nobody wants to become that...
    someone please come bring me a heart and lungs and a soul and put the only thing that used to mask or even overcome the sorrow, pain, and hate that now dominates my eyes....someone save me....wake me up from this nightmare and tell me not to cry because it was only a bad dream...tell me you love me and you are here for me and you will never leave my side...and swear that everything that you said is true....
    lift the world from my shoulders and put the pieces back together...
    look into my eyes and tell me you'll never leave my side or break your promises...
    love me even though i had the worst nightmare known to mankind...a nightmare without love...