• Silence has swallowed me
    Wholy and completely
    My soul is consumed
    By darkness unseen
    A depth unkown to this mortal world
    Fear so threatening
    No one can survive
    But this is me
    Laying in the darkness
    Surrounded by creatures of the night
    Soon, very soon
    I will be one of them
    A creature of the dark
    To suck souls from the living
    So my pathetic existance can keep going
    And the existance of my new race
    The race of the night
    We are creatures of the dark
    The darkness in every heart
    It can consume you all
    So you can join me in the night
    Into the safety of the dark
    No lights come to us
    Hidden in the dark
    Unseen by day dwellers eyes
    Come join us
    We wish your pressence
    Step into the dark
    And live fully in the night