• The weak wish to be strong and the strong wish to never be weak.. The others are smarter and only wish to get stronger over time.


    Broken hearts go into heaven...Did you know heaven is now over populated?


    Let go. Move on. But please don't forget.....


    If you dream big then you'll live larger.


    Things happen too fast...can you stop for a moment ???


    It's just one of those times when you wish you were wrong...


    Play instuments....Not hearts


    Hearts are like rules they are not made to be broken yet people still break them anyway.


    It's one of those times when you don't want to cry but then God whispers "it's okay to cry sometimes..."


    It's hard to let go.....It's eve harder to move on....

    It sucks
    How I catch you at your own sick little game
    But you still win

    It sucks
    How every thought revolves around you
    But I only come up once in a while

    It sucks
    How I am only a chapter in your book
    But you’re half the book for me

    It sucks
    How I can barley live without you
    But you can live easily without me

    It sucks
    How I cry for hours
    But you don’t shed one tear

    It sucks
    How you took over my life
    But I was just an addition that can be easily removed

    It sucks
    How you took part of me away with you
    But your still there full in tack