• “Little Heroes”

    There was a boy who wanted to be,
    A hero to someone, someone who’d see,
    That he was strong, that he could save,
    A person in need who’d see he was brave.

    And when time came, he saw a friend,
    Mocked and jeered at ‘til she wanted to end,
    Her very own life. She had no one,
    To brighten her day, to be her sun.

    The poor girl knew what she wanted to do,
    She’d end this life, make wishes come true.
    But when she tried, a hero arrived,
    A friend with a hardship he had survived.

    One point in time, he wanted to run,
    To get away, leave everyone,
    But one friend came and made him feel,
    That he wasn’t a nobody, he was real.

    So he returned the favor to someone,
    A friend in need who wasn’t having fun.
    He saved this girl’s life. So now you can see,
    Heroes come in shapes in sizes,
    They could be you and me