• Giving away your heart is the hardest thing to do.
    When it’s gone,
    You have to know its not there.
    Giving it away to the devil;
    He is in control now.
    God doesn’t appreciate it…
    Don’t do what the Devil has tricked you into doing
    Gods trying to tell you,
    But you stand still…
    Not listening.
    For your heart is stolen,
    Given away to the one that’s damned
    You still never gave it away,
    The devil stole it from you;
    Gods there telling you
    Where you heart is going,
    But your still standing there…
    In silence;
    Like you’ve been waiting for an answer…Forever,
    But the only answer you will get:
    Is Gods answer.
    Waking you up,
    To tell you:
    “Your heart is yours
    Don’t give it away
    Only if you can say
    These three words
    I Love You.” heart

    Moral: Never give your heart away unless you can say those three words if you give your heart away without meaning it, that means the devil has taken control of your ways and you are no longer listening to Gods words.
    Just remember even if you’re not religious, don’t believe in God, at least don’t tell someone you love him/her unless you mean it, or the devil/whomever is stealing you heart.