• Perfect by nature
    Just wanting to belong
    Hearts full of misery
    Searching for the right and the wrong

    I was lost by your impressions
    Longing for the trust in your heart
    Freeing from myself
    Solutions are waiting
    As I am everybodys fool

    You're pretending
    I'm hoping
    Wanting to know you
    Look here I am
    Feeling as I die
    I am everybodys fool

    No mask to hide me now
    I can see my true lines
    I'm written in both cries
    Just like everybodys fool

    How can I hide the truth now
    Stuck in a world of no shame
    Masking my every move
    I know who I am
    I am everybodys fool

    I know the demons spot
    I belong with my loss
    I've seen the masks now
    Can't deny it
    Try to fight it

    I don't know you
    I can't show you
    I finally feared you
    And I'm done with you

    And somehow I am still dead
    Wishing to be alive
    Wishing to show myself to you
    Knowing what would happen
    If I am everybodys fool

    Without my mask
    I can see lies
    Stuck in a world
    Full of cries

    I know who I am now
    I know where I belong
    And you can't tell be right from wrong
    You can't tell me any different
    You can't show me behind the lies
    Stuck in the world
    Where everybodys fooled