• To my beloved Axelle,

    I send you this poem as a mere window
    To allow you a glance into my world which threatens to vanish
    Without you by my side in the hateful reality.

    A dark sun throbs deep within my heart
    Radiating its malicious, beautiful poison through my veins.
    The venom it releases rushes to my head
    And all I can breathe is your sweet fragrance.
    All I can touch is your soft skin
    And your luxurious hair as it seeps through my fingers
    All I can see is your beauty clouding my mind
    All I can hear is your melodious voice
    My name rolling off your tongue as if it was the sweetest candy.
    And all I can taste is your delicious lips
    I wish, that instead of speaking these useless words,
    That I may share a lethal kiss with you
    And my love would cut you deeper than any blade could.
    And if fate could have shot more aimlessly,
    The apocalypse would have settled among us
    The moment I laid eyes on you.
    May my phantom hand wipe the tears you cry
    For the both of us who wallow in misery.
    If I could, I would become a human sponge
    To soak in all your pain
    So hurt could not haunt your beautiful face.
    But alas, misery loves its company
    So all I may do is help you carry the burden
    And be the only being to hold the other end of the mental rope
    Which gives life to our inexplicable understanding.

    In light of all this, even an animated image of you
    Seared into my head is never enough
    To substitute the real you.
    And may my love ride the nightly winds
    To reach you and watch over you as you sleep.
    And know that I find a way to get you back into my arms.

    Until then, my love, I wait for that moment in agony.
