• he said he loved me
    he said w e ' d n e v e r p a r t
    and if we did it would be my
    i wrote him songs notes, letters, and
    he played me
    went out with a girl that I introduced him to.

    she expected me not to
    get mad
    and i wasn't i was furious and i wanted to die
    or at least cry myself to sleep a
    couple times.
    he had once wrote me a note when we had been
    fighting an it said he wanted jeesie's girl
    her name was veronica she had
    been going out with his cousin.
    me and her had often joked about
    being step-cousins and look where we are now.
    i dont know if she ever thought
    that she helped him
    brake my heart
    or if she even cared , but she was one of my good friends
    and we are still friends but i dont think me and him will ever even
    talk anymore
    because i tried before when we were still together we promised to be
    friends afterward and we arent
    i tried even after we broke up and he said he hated me and that
    i was a liar.
    i cant beleive i was such an idiot to beleive
    a boy as that but i think it was because we both thought he was a
    man ,
    but i see now hes not even close to being a girl.
    this had bothered me for some time
    and im glad i could make you all
    like you cared
    thank you for reading.