• I thought I could live without love
    now I've learned my lesson
    if there were no love,
    we probably wouldn't be living
    we could never be forgiven
    but if we could afford one little ounce of love
    we'd be out on the streets
    sweating in the heat of the summer
    in ratty clothes
    that are constantly tearing apart

    We'd see the people in cars passing by
    ignoring us
    there's no love
    for them to donate
    we'd die out
    so would they
    because life without love
    would kill the human race
    we need love to survive
    like a person with cancer
    needs chemotherapy

    Life without love
    is highly unthinkable
    be careful what you wish for
    for it just might come true
    you may think about life without love
    while a shooting star
    races across the sky
    be careful about what you are thinking
    or else you may be living in
    a world without love