• My soul is burning,
    My eyes are broken and blind.
    These chains around my wrist also circle my heart,
    These bonds on my body also bind my mind.

    Here, in the land of technology,
    Where justice and liberty are supposed to reign free,
    We ignore the cries of our brothers and sisters,
    Trapped, afraid, alone as can be.
    It is our duty to help them,
    It is our honor to try.
    Their slavery is also my own,
    And their tears are in my eye.

    My heart is breaking,
    My fists are ready to fight.
    This injustice cannot continue to go on,
    We must do what we can, what is right.

    Here, in the land of the future,
    Where love and peace are supposed to reign free,
    I can no longer ignore my brothers and sisters,
    Trapped, afraid, alone as can be.
    It is my duty to help them,
    It is my honor to try.
    suffering is also my own,
    And their tears are in my eye.

    Now is the time to rally the troops,
    The time of compassion is here.
    If together we stand, united as one,
    Then we have nothing to fear.

    Here, in the land of the People,
    Where we have the power to make things change,
    We will not ignore our brothers and sisters,
    Who are looking to us to be saved.
    It is our duty to help them,
    It is our honor to try.
    Their freedom is also our own,
    And their tears are in our eyes.