• Under the moon lite sky
    There his blue eyes tend to lie.
    Gazing at the stars that have always been there.
    Long before he learned how to stare.
    Facing the crashes and the turns of life
    But holding back the pain and what some may call strife.
    His eyes change just to the mood or the feeling.
    Happy, Sad, Mad, Frustrated....
    They all have their shades of blue, Their shades of grey.
    But nothings more certain then the words I have to say.
    It's not like I can't be the best you ever had, Its more the best you ever have.
    Because im one of a kind you see.
    And there's no one else who can compare to the one true me.
    Im not the average guy, and every one know this.
    But when someone says I am i just shake my head and go.... tisk tisk tisk.
    Kind is my heart that she holds for safe keeping.
    Why am I up when I know I should be sleeping.
    Deep in a dream of wonder that's more simpler then this world.
    At least in there your mind's desire controls your dream.
    Its simpler and easier to understand and no one can hold you down.
    Unlike this one that can be blended into a milkshake thats, ill choose my fave, cookies and cream.
    Where people can see you as a king, but steal your crown.
    Where the queen sees you but never is with her knight in shining armor, the king.
    Where pain is apparent in the very eyes that reveal your thoughts.
    A tear can show the sadness of the heart or the happiness that someone brings you.
    To hold that person close and say everything is going be alright when chaos surrounds them.
    To enter the darkness with no regret and no fear, but the fear of making llife's journey more amazing.
    I walk a path thats unclear to even me.
    Wondering where and who things will come to be.
    So my eyes remain on the moon lite sky.
    Because every look at it is one less moment that the sun doesn't cry.
    Just another case of thoughts in my mind.
    Hoping the answers I seek, i'll eventually find.