• I’m rocking,
    I’m shaking,
    My breathing is shallow,
    I can’t refrain from crying over you.
    I’m waiting for you,
    I’m hoping you’ll show your face,
    I’m in shambles without you,
    I’m waiting for you to START trying to help me,
    You don’t know I’m here,
    You don’t even know I’m like this…
    This is all about you, dearest.
    You deemed the day new,
    Its like this isn’t ‘suppose’ to be happening,
    You’re pretending you don’t know,
    You can’t emphatically commence each day over,
    Not in the same way,
    It’ll never go away with that line of attack,
    I’m trying to hold onto the diminutive fragments -
    The memories that make me believe it’s still worth it
    A headache has engraved itself with my brain,
    Raking its talons down the back inner recesses of my cranium,
    The bone that manufactures the shape of my skull has become a screaming blackboard,
    I’m now hyperventilating,
    This is the worst it has and will ever be,
    The thing is,
    I recognize that I’m envy something fake -
    The reality in knowing only that - BLISTERS like vinegar does on the skin of earthworms,
    Constructing effervescent scars that deteriorate the unresponsive elasticity of the skeletal membrane - enveloping my heart
    Three hours has come and gone,
    My shaking is shudders,
    My breathing is routine,
    Driving rain is pouring out down my cheeks,
    Playing like insignificant rag doll ballerinas with vengeance and -
    I’m still here,
    Still deficient of you,
    In spite of This whole despondency!