• I'm playing our favorite songs
    Even though your gone
    Thought we could of had it all
    But now I just watched us fall
    Our bond once so strong
    But something went wrong
    Now you left me in the dark, so I can't see
    I thought we could be
    Now I gotta move on
    So upon this new dawn
    I write this song
    To help me move along
    Slowly creeping into the light
    Never knew it was this bright
    But now I can see
    Me and you weren't meant to be
    But I still play this song
    Even though your gone
    Cause I love our tune
    But now I'm gonna find a new one soon
    So make room today
    Cause I'm gonna have my way
    Now can you hear me sing
    As I'm out doing my own thing
    While I'm pressing the keys
    Down upon this piano so everyone sees
    I've come a long way, from where I use to be
    This is the new me
    Now I feel free