• Meddling little flies.
    Flying over an open wound.
    Maggots tearing away flesh
    feeding their bottomless pit.

    Eyes watch in resigned horror
    as flies lay egg after egg that hatch
    over and over.

    'Is this what has become of me?
    Something to be away and be
    eaten by such lowly creatures?'

    Bitter tears silently stream from her eyes.
    Not for herself but tears for the living.

    'You did what you thought was best,
    but best for who? Your own indignation
    was the ending of me.'

    The buzzing of flies climbs to
    an unbearable pitch.
    Haunting sighs sound from
    every pore of her body.

    'You did this to me, you caused me to do this.
    Do not ever forget that.'

    She cries out as the maggots tear
    in a frenzy at her body.

    A lone fly meanders off.