• The life of this man leaves one to ask what was his plan?
    His life is a wreck and he no longer has control of the deck
    of cards that he called his life because nothing ever went right.

    The pain he feels no other man should ever have to deal with.
    Thats y he decided to take it all away and put an end to it all, so
    now he faces his last days on earth and wonders whether or not
    it was all worth it.

    He is me and we are one in the same. The only difference is,
    he has someone to blame. It is me, for the life that i have chosen
    and now lead has caused nothing but pain and agony

    The woman of my dreams has become a part of this scheme that
    I know as life and I want her to be my wife. She IS my life and dreams
    and now she has my heart and as i sit in this red puddle on the floor
    I let my soul wonder and tell her that i shall love her FOREVER MORE!