• Your hells angel
    I see your eyes
    Shine through the night
    I see you you’re watching
    Me you don’t trust me
    You shouldn’t cuz u don’t
    know wut I’m up to
    My plan
    My scheme is deadly
    It could take your life away
    And damage the soul that
    Lives inside
    What are you trying to hide
    I see all
    I hear you cry
    I no why you want to die
    But if u want your life to
    End so badly come with me
    I am heavens devil
    I destroy the light
    And bring darkness
    That’s why we fight
    For the good in the world
    Its because
    Your hells angel
    You shine with a
    Heart made of pure light
    You bring the light
    And I bring the dark
    Were fighting
    A never ending battle
    Forever we stand
    Against the odds
    We fight forever
    And we disobey
    Our gods
    Fighting for eternity