• Crystalline dust gleaming white
    I will rapture your brain
    Few hate but most love me
    I am bittersweet cocaine

    You’ll waste your money
    And you’ll lose your friends
    After it all you can’t resist me
    I’ll taint you until the end

    Your mind will pulse and beat
    A dream like drowning in a sea
    You’ll hide in your own darkness
    The worst chaos you’ll ever see

    My name masks my ugly effects
    “Snow” it precious, “rock” it strong
    You won’t know what hit you
    Once your instincts prove you wrong

    Your parents will scorn your every move
    Sleep will elude you, comfort lost
    You keep returning to me when in doubt
    No matter what you ignore the cost

    I will not teach you what’s healthy
    I will only take everything in your sight
    I provide an addictive double-edge
    It’s up to you to choose what’s right

    Now roll up your sleeve and flex
    Position the needle and close your eyes
    Forget the beautiful person you once were
    Because it won’t matter when you die