• The blood is pouring down to fast
    This time I fear I will not last
    I cut my wrists to deep tonight
    My blood will be my one last sight
    The dark is closing in so close
    Where I'm headed no one knows
    I'm enveloped by black abyss
    Here on Earth I won't be missed
    The end is coming fast it seems
    I hope this isn't in my dreams
    Read blood splatters on my floor
    I hear a knock upon my door
    My sister screams and starts to cry
    Sissy it's okay I wish to die
    No you can't leave me she replies
    But never again will I open my eyes
    I feel detached and free and last
    My old life? That's in the past
    Now I'm dead and six feet under
    Sissy I'm still here though, I'm the thunder
    I'm the eagles and the clouds that float above
    It's okay I'm free now love.